Interface PoseTracker.GetPosesResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PoseTracker.GetPosesResponse, PoseTracker.GetPosesResponse.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface PoseTracker.GetPosesResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • getBodyPosesCount

      int getBodyPosesCount()
       Mapping of each body name to the pose representing the center of the body.
      map<string, .viam.common.v1.PoseInFrame> body_poses = 1 [json_name = "bodyPoses"];
    • containsBodyPoses

      boolean containsBodyPoses(String key)
       Mapping of each body name to the pose representing the center of the body.
      map<string, .viam.common.v1.PoseInFrame> body_poses = 1 [json_name = "bodyPoses"];
    • getBodyPoses

      Use getBodyPosesMap() instead.
    • getBodyPosesMap

      Map<String,Common.PoseInFrame> getBodyPosesMap()
       Mapping of each body name to the pose representing the center of the body.
      map<string, .viam.common.v1.PoseInFrame> body_poses = 1 [json_name = "bodyPoses"];
    • getBodyPosesOrDefault

      Common.PoseInFrame getBodyPosesOrDefault(String key, Common.PoseInFrame defaultValue)
       Mapping of each body name to the pose representing the center of the body.
      map<string, .viam.common.v1.PoseInFrame> body_poses = 1 [json_name = "bodyPoses"];
    • getBodyPosesOrThrow

      Common.PoseInFrame getBodyPosesOrThrow(String key)
       Mapping of each body name to the pose representing the center of the body.
      map<string, .viam.common.v1.PoseInFrame> body_poses = 1 [json_name = "bodyPoses"];