Package proto.rpc.v1

Interface ExternalAuthServiceGrpc.AsyncService

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface ExternalAuthServiceGrpc.AsyncService
 An ExternalAuthService is intended to be used as a means to perform application level
 authentication but for an external entity that it is responsible for handling auth for.
 An example of its use would be for a entity that only trusts an external source to
 perform authentication for it.
 Its sole AuthenticateTo method should be used prior to any other services that the external
 entity's gRPC server has to offer.
  • Method Details

    • authenticateTo

      default void authenticateTo(Auth.AuthenticateToRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Auth.AuthenticateToResponse> responseObserver)
       AuthenticateTo attempts to allow the caller to authenticate to another entity.
       The resulting response contains an access token with the subject
       as the calling entity, the audience as the other entity, and the issuer
       as the provider of this service. This token should be used for all
       future RPC requests to the other entity on the services it provides.
       This assumes that the caller is already authenticated to the
       server implementing this service.