ClassDescriptionCreateDatasetRequest defines the name and organization ID of a dataset.CreateDatasetRequest defines the name and organization ID of a dataset.CreateDatasetResponse returns the dataset ID of the created dataset.CreateDatasetResponse returns the dataset ID of the created dataset.Dataset stores the metadata of a dataset.Dataset stores the metadata of a dataset.DeleteDatasetRequest deletes the dataset specified by the dataset ID.DeleteDatasetRequest deletes the dataset specified by the dataset ID.Protobuf type
ListDatasetsByIDsRequest requests all of the datasets by their dataset IDs.ListDatasetsByIDsRequest requests all of the datasets by their dataset IDs.ListDatasetsByIDsResponse returns all the dataset metadata for the associated dataset IDs.ListDatasetsByIDsResponse returns all the dataset metadata for the associated dataset IDs.ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDRequest requests all of the datasets for an organization.ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDRequest requests all of the datasets for an organization.ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDResponse returns all the dataset metadata for the organization.ListDatasetsByOrganizationIDResponse returns all the dataset metadata for the organization.RenameDatasetRequest applies the new name to the dataset specified by the dataset ID.RenameDatasetRequest applies the new name to the dataset specified by the dataset ID.Protobuf
DatasetService is used to manage datasets.DatasetService is used to manage datasets.A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service DatasetService.A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service DatasetService.Base class for the server implementation of the service DatasetService.A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service DatasetService.