Class ExprValue.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExprValueOrBuilder,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class ExprValue.Builder extends<ExprValue,ExprValue.Builder> implements ExprValueOrBuilder
 The value of an evaluated expression.
Protobuf type google.api.expr.v1beta1.ExprValue
  • Method Details

    • getKindCase

      public ExprValue.KindCase getKindCase()
      Specified by:
      getKindCase in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
    • clearKind

      public ExprValue.Builder clearKind()
    • hasValue

      public boolean hasValue()
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
      Specified by:
      hasValue in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      Whether the value field is set.
    • getValue

      public Value getValue()
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      The value.
    • setValue

      public ExprValue.Builder setValue(Value value)
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
    • setValue

      public ExprValue.Builder setValue(Value.Builder builderForValue)
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
    • mergeValue

      public ExprValue.Builder mergeValue(Value value)
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
    • clearValue

      public ExprValue.Builder clearValue()
       A concrete value.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.Value value = 1 [json_name = "value"];
    • hasError

      public boolean hasError()
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
      Specified by:
      hasError in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      Whether the error field is set.
    • getError

      public ErrorSet getError()
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
      Specified by:
      getError in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      The error.
    • setError

      public ExprValue.Builder setError(ErrorSet value)
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
    • setError

      public ExprValue.Builder setError(ErrorSet.Builder builderForValue)
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
    • mergeError

      public ExprValue.Builder mergeError(ErrorSet value)
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
    • clearError

      public ExprValue.Builder clearError()
       The set of errors in the critical path of evalution.
       Only errors in the critical path are included. For example,
       `(<error1> || true) && <error2>` will only result in `<error2>`,
       while `<error1> || <error2>` will result in both `<error1>` and
       Errors cause by the presence of other errors are not included in the
       set. For example `<error1>.foo`, `foo(<error1>)`, and `<error1> + 1` will
       only result in `<error1>`.
       Multiple errors *might* be included when evaluation could result
       in different errors. For example `<error1> + <error2>` and
       `foo(<error1>, <error2>)` may result in `<error1>`, `<error2>` or both.
       The exact subset of errors included for this case is unspecified and
       depends on the implementation details of the evaluator.
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.ErrorSet error = 2 [json_name = "error"];
    • hasUnknown

      public boolean hasUnknown()
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];
      Specified by:
      hasUnknown in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      Whether the unknown field is set.
    • getUnknown

      public UnknownSet getUnknown()
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];
      Specified by:
      getUnknown in interface ExprValueOrBuilder
      The unknown.
    • setUnknown

      public ExprValue.Builder setUnknown(UnknownSet value)
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];
    • setUnknown

      public ExprValue.Builder setUnknown(UnknownSet.Builder builderForValue)
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];
    • mergeUnknown

      public ExprValue.Builder mergeUnknown(UnknownSet value)
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];
    • clearUnknown

      public ExprValue.Builder clearUnknown()
       The set of unknowns in the critical path of evaluation.
       Unknown behaves identically to Error with regards to propagation.
       Specifically, only unknowns in the critical path are included, unknowns
       caused by the presence of other unknowns are not included, and multiple
       unknowns *might* be included included when evaluation could result in
       different unknowns. For example:
       (<unknown[1]> || true) && <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[2]>
       <unknown[1]> || <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1,2]>
       <unknown[1]>.foo -> <unknown[1]>
       foo(<unknown[1]>) -> <unknown[1]>
       <unknown[1]> + <unknown[2]> -> <unknown[1]> or <unknown[2[>
       Unknown takes precidence over Error in cases where a `Value` can short
       circuit the result:
       <error> || <unknown> -> <unknown>
       <error> && <unknown> -> <unknown>
       Errors take precidence in all other cases:
       <unknown> + <error> -> <error>
       foo(<unknown>, <error>) -> <error>
      .google.api.expr.v1beta1.UnknownSet unknown = 3 [json_name = "unknown"];