ClassDescription#### Introduction The Byte Stream API enables a client to read and write a stream of bytes to and from a resource.#### Introduction The Byte Stream API enables a client to read and write a stream of bytes to and from a resource.A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service ByteStream.A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service ByteStream.Base class for the server implementation of the service ByteStream.A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service ByteStream.Request object for ByteStream.QueryWriteStatus.Request object for ByteStream.QueryWriteStatus.Response object for ByteStream.QueryWriteStatus.Response object for ByteStream.QueryWriteStatus.Request object for ByteStream.Read.Request object for ByteStream.Read.Response object for ByteStream.Read.Response object for ByteStream.Read.Request object for ByteStream.Write.Request object for ByteStream.Write.Response object for ByteStream.Write.Response object for ByteStream.Write.