Class Viewport.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ViewportOrBuilder,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class Viewport.Builder extends<Viewport,Viewport.Builder> implements ViewportOrBuilder
 A latitude-longitude viewport, represented as two diagonally opposite `low`
 and `high` points. A viewport is considered a closed region, i.e. it includes
 its boundary. The latitude bounds must range between -90 to 90 degrees
 inclusive, and the longitude bounds must range between -180 to 180 degrees
 inclusive. Various cases include:

 - If `low` = `high`, the viewport consists of that single point.

 - If `low.longitude` > `high.longitude`, the longitude range is inverted
 (the viewport crosses the 180 degree longitude line).

 - If `low.longitude` = -180 degrees and `high.longitude` = 180 degrees,
 the viewport includes all longitudes.

 - If `low.longitude` = 180 degrees and `high.longitude` = -180 degrees,
 the longitude range is empty.

 - If `low.latitude` > `high.latitude`, the latitude range is empty.

 Both `low` and `high` must be populated, and the represented box cannot be
 empty (as specified by the definitions above). An empty viewport will result
 in an error.

 For example, this viewport fully encloses New York City:

 "low": {
 "latitude": 40.477398,
 "longitude": -74.259087
 "high": {
 "latitude": 40.91618,
 "longitude": -73.70018
Protobuf type google.geo.type.Viewport
  • Method Details

    • hasLow

      public boolean hasLow()
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
      Specified by:
      hasLow in interface ViewportOrBuilder
      Whether the low field is set.
    • getLow

      public LatLng getLow()
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
      Specified by:
      getLow in interface ViewportOrBuilder
      The low.
    • setLow

      public Viewport.Builder setLow(LatLng value)
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
    • setLow

      public Viewport.Builder setLow(LatLng.Builder builderForValue)
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
    • mergeLow

      public Viewport.Builder mergeLow(LatLng value)
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
    • clearLow

      public Viewport.Builder clearLow()
       Required. The low point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng low = 1 [json_name = "low"];
    • hasHigh

      public boolean hasHigh()
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];
      Specified by:
      hasHigh in interface ViewportOrBuilder
      Whether the high field is set.
    • getHigh

      public LatLng getHigh()
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];
      Specified by:
      getHigh in interface ViewportOrBuilder
      The high.
    • setHigh

      public Viewport.Builder setHigh(LatLng value)
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];
    • setHigh

      public Viewport.Builder setHigh(LatLng.Builder builderForValue)
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];
    • mergeHigh

      public Viewport.Builder mergeHigh(LatLng value)
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];
    • clearHigh

      public Viewport.Builder clearHigh()
       Required. The high point of the viewport.
      .google.type.LatLng high = 2 [json_name = "high"];