ClassDescriptionA AddStreamRequest requests the given stream be added to the connection.A AddStreamRequest requests the given stream be added to the connection.AddStreamResponse is returned after a successful AddStreamRequest.AddStreamResponse is returned after a successful AddStreamRequest.GetStreamOptionsRequest requests the options for a particular stream.GetStreamOptionsRequest requests the options for a particular stream.GetStreamOptionsResponse details the options for a particular stream.GetStreamOptionsResponse details the options for a particular stream.ListStreamsRequest requests all streams registered.ListStreamsRequest requests all streams registered.A ListStreamsResponse details streams registered.A ListStreamsResponse details streams registered.A RemoveStreamRequest requests the given stream be removed from the connection.A RemoveStreamRequest requests the given stream be removed from the connection.RemoveStreamResponse is returned after a successful RemoveStreamRequest.RemoveStreamResponse is returned after a successful RemoveStreamRequest.Resolution details the width and height of a stream.Resolution details the width and height of a stream.SetStreamOptionsRequest sets the options for a particular stream.SetStreamOptionsRequest sets the options for a particular stream.SetStreamOptionsResponse is returned after a successful SetStreamOptionsRequest.SetStreamOptionsResponse is returned after a successful SetStreamOptionsRequest.A StreamService is used to coordinate with a WebRTC the listing, addition, and removal of registered video streams.A StreamService is used to coordinate with a WebRTC the listing, addition, and removal of registered video streams.A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service StreamService.A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service StreamService.Base class for the server implementation of the service StreamService.A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service StreamService.