Class PowerSensor

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class PowerSensor extends Component
PowerSensor reports information about voltage, current and power.
  • Field Details


      public static final Subtype SUBTYPE
  • Constructor Details

    • PowerSensor

      public PowerSensor(String name)
  • Method Details

    • named

      public static Common.ResourceName named(String name)
      Get the ResourceName of the component
      name - the name of the component
      the component's ResourceName
    • fromRobot

      public static PowerSensor fromRobot(RobotClient robot, String name)
      Get the component with the provided name from the provided robot.
      robot - the RobotClient
      name - the name of the component
      the component
    • getVoltage

      public abstract Map.Entry<Double,Boolean> getVoltage(Optional<> extra)
      Return the voltage reading of a specified device and whether it is AC or DC.
      the pair where the first double representing the voltage reading in V, the second bool indicating whether the voltage is AC (`true`) or DC (`false`).
    • getCurrent

      public abstract Map.Entry<Double,Boolean> getCurrent(Optional<> extra)
      Return the current of a specified device and whether it is AC or DC.
      the pair where the first double representing the current reading in V, the second bool indicating whether the current is AC (`true`) or DC * (`false`).
    • getPower

      public abstract double getPower(Optional<> extra)
      Return the power reading in watts.
      the power reading in watts
    • getReadings

      public abstract Map<String,Object> getReadings(Optional<> extra)
      Get the measurements or readings that this power sensor provides. If a sensor is not configured correctly or fails to read a piece of data, it will not appear in the readings dictionary.
      The readings for the PowerSensor. Object should be of type Vector3, GeoPoint, Orientation, or any Value type. Includes voltage in volts (float), current in amperes (float), is_ac (bool), and power in watts (float).