Package com.viam.service.slam.v1
Interface Slam.GetPointCloudMapResponseOrBuilder
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- Enclosing class:
- Slam
public static interface Slam.GetPointCloudMapResponseOrBuilder
Method Summary
Modifier and
One chunk of the PointCloud.Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultInstanceForType, isInitialized
Method Details
getPointCloudPcdChunk getPointCloudPcdChunk()One chunk of the PointCloud. For a given GetPointCloudMap request, concatenating all GetPointCloudMapResponse.point_cloud_pcd_chunk values in the order received result in the complete pointcloud in standard PCD format where XY is the ground plane and positive Z is up, following the Right Hand Rule. Read more about the pointcloud format here: Viam expects pointcloud data with fields "x y z" or "x y z rgb", and for this to be specified in the pointcloud header in the FIELDS entry. If color data is included in the pointcloud, Viam's services assume that the color value encodes a confidence score for that data point. Viam expects the confidence score to be encoded in the blue parameter of the RGB value, on a scale from 1-100. Pointclouds are little endian encoded.
bytes point_cloud_pcd_chunk = 1 [json_name = "pointCloudPcdChunk"];
- Returns:
- The pointCloudPcdChunk.