Package com.viam.service.sensors.v1
package com.viam.service.sensors.v1
ClassDescriptionDeprecated.Deprecated.Protobuf type
Deprecated.Deprecated.Protobuf typeviam.service.sensors.v1.GetReadingsResponse
Deprecated.Deprecated.The sensors service messages are deprecatedDeprecated.Deprecated.Protobuf typeviam.service.sensors.v1.GetSensorsResponse
Deprecated.Deprecated.Protobuf typeviam.service.sensors.v1.Readings
Deprecated.A SensorsService services keeps track of all sensors associated with a robot This service is deprecatedA SensorsService services keeps track of all sensors associated with a robot This service is deprecatedA stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service SensorsService.A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service SensorsService.Base class for the server implementation of the service SensorsService.A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service SensorsService.