Interface SLAMServiceGrpc.AsyncService

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface SLAMServiceGrpc.AsyncService
 A SlamService declares the gRPC contract for a slam service
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      default void getPosition(Slam.GetPositionRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Slam.GetPositionResponse> responseObserver)
       GetPosition returns the current estimated position of the robot with
       respect to a returned component reference.
    • getPointCloudMap

      default void getPointCloudMap(Slam.GetPointCloudMapRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Slam.GetPointCloudMapResponse> responseObserver)
       GetPointCloudMap returns the latest pointcloud map available where XY is the ground
       plane and positive Z is up, following the Right Hand Rule.
    • getInternalState

      default void getInternalState(Slam.GetInternalStateRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Slam.GetInternalStateResponse> responseObserver)
       GetInternalState returns the internal map as defined by the specified slam
       algorithm required to continue mapping/localizing.
       This endpoint is not intended for end users.
    • getProperties

      default void getProperties(Slam.GetPropertiesRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Slam.GetPropertiesResponse> responseObserver)
       GetProperties returns properties of the current slam service including mapping_mode
       and cloud_slam, where mapping_mode is the type of mapping/localizing being performed
       and cloud_slam is a boolean representing if this SLAM service is being run in the cloud.
    • doCommand

      default void doCommand(Common.DoCommandRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<Common.DoCommandResponse> responseObserver)
       DoCommand sends/receives arbitrary commands.