Interface ResourceRPCService<ResourceT>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CameraRPCService, GenericRPCService, GripperRPCService, MLModelRPCService, MovementSensorRPCService, PoseTrackerRPCService, PowerSensorRPCService, SensorRPCService, ServoRPCService

public interface ResourceRPCService<ResourceT> extends io.grpc.BindableService
  • Method Details

    • getResourceClass

      Class<ResourceT> getResourceClass()
    • getManager

      ResourceManager getManager()
    • getResource

      default ResourceT getResource(Common.ResourceName name)
      Return the resource with the given name if it exists in the registry. If the resource does not exist in the registry, this function will throw an exception
      name - Name of the resource
      The resource